Created from a place of wonder & curiosity

Rooted in exploration



A long silence broken by the wind

Awaken at last by a thunderstorm

The haze had to lift, the walls had to come down

Shaken to the core you saw it all clearly

You were meant to carry dreams in your heart and bravery in your bones

You were meant to break the shackles and walk the path

Through the dark into the light

Untamed, Untethered, Unbroken

Oh so wild, Oh so free

- Leena Joshi





Bravery is treading softly into the unknown.

It is making room for trust & following that little voice inside us, that leads us where we are meant to be.

Whenever we want to do something we have never done before a lot of doubts and limiting beliefs come and stand in our path. It's a battle one must fight within themselves first, just to get started. 

 My beginnings were no different. Having no formal education in art or prior experience with oil paints stopped me from doing it. I was able to start because, in the end, my curiosity was greater than my fear. My hunger for trying something new was way stronger than the reasons to stay safe and comfortable. And I am so glad that I started because these paintings felt received. 

 These works of art wanted to come into existence as much as I wanted to bring them into existence.  

I also want to share some thoughts about bravery and fear that came up in one of my journaling sessions.

“We give so much of our power to our fears, no wonder they become capable of paralyzing us. Bravery is simply calling that lost power back to ourselves so that our fears don’t drive us anymore.”

 I hope these artworks inspire you to further investigate your curiosity and start something that you have been putting off.